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About Shannon


Initial Consultations                    


$150  -  During a 60 minute meeting, Shannon will review your usual diet based on a three-day food history, assessing it for nutrient needs and food sensitivity triggers if indicated. 


Using an approach rooted in motivational interviewing techniques, Shannon guides her clients to identify simple changes that will have a positive impact on diet quality and foster a balanced and healthy relationship with food.  


Initial recommendations are based on whole foods to target any identified nutrient deficiencies as identified by your initial food diary, or as identified by the client. 


Individualized specific goals are set to achieve your best tolerated, energizing eating pattern. 


Follow-up Consultations           â€‹

$90 -  During a 30 minute follow-up visit, we review success and difficulties of previously set goals.


We continue to build on the positive momentum identifying sustainable client-centered goals.


Supplement recommendations are discussed to address any nutrient deficiencies, which were not adequately targeted through whole foods based changes.


Clients receive recipes and resources to support nutrition goals. 



Grocery Store Nutrition Tours         â€‹

$175 - 60-90 minutes   - Do your weekly grocery shopping at your local* grocery store with Shannon to help cut through the marketing and identify the truly healthiest options to meet your nutrition goals. 


This experience translates the theory and products discussed in the clinic to where food choices are ultimately made.


Clients will gain a better understanding of how to use ingredients lists and nutrition facts to make informed choices about product options.   


*Available at your choice of grocery store within Vancouver. 

Family Consultations                  

$225 - During a 90 minutes meeting, Shannon works with couples or families to develop nutrition goals specific to the individuals as well as appropriate goals for where meals are shared. 


This appointment is best for couples or families with individual dietary needs and separate schedules.


Nutrition concerns for children who are not involved in meal preparation and selection can be explored with parents.


Some families prefer to invite older children or teens who enjoy cooking and being involved in meal preparation or selection with a keen interest in health and nutrition to be included in the nutrition consultation. 

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